Three-dimensional puzzle adventure
Sound ON for the best experience!
"Trapped in an Arctic lab with a Giant Egg, you must find a way to send an urgent message for help in this 1940s first-person puzzle adventure Game."
3 Animators
4 Graphical Artists
3 Level Designers
5 Programmers
3 Technical Artists
4 weeks halftime
Designed within Unreal
Built and run with the groups custom engine
Level designing the level with my LD collogues, switching ownership
member of story, puzzle, and level design taskforce
An incredibly short project, mostly used as a way to "help" programmers set up and starting writing their own engines, and to create a pipeline for future projects.
The group had a bit of a rocky start, so I worked on improving our team's organization and communication, the pipeline, and contributed to level design by concepting and blocking out the level. The project was challenging but provided valuable lessons for future project management, team collaboration, and peoples well-being.